Suspicious Minds
Northern Stage commissioned Brenda Withers to write a zoom play, tapped Jess Chayes to direct, and I’m lucky enough to be in it. To say I’m excited to be acting in a new play - which is, you know, kinda my whole thing - is to notably understate. I may be alone in my apartment where fully half the livable space has given over to a set and camera and lighting rig that is at best an OSHA violation, but by god am I having the best time.
(Aaaaand, we’re getting fantastic reviews.)
Come see the wry and meta-theatrical fun we’re having. Live every night on zoom through 2 May.
Also, as an object lesson in the unpredictability of a life in the theater, that fact that I booked a play a few days after I wrote the post below is rather unimpeachable.
One more thing: since 2016, I’ve been posting some the pre-show mixes I make for myself. i’m particularly fond of this show’s. Check it out on spotify here.