Actor / Singer

Wickets Tickets

Wicketstickets on sale now! With only 4 performances (and only 55 seats), the show is already selling out. And how could it not?  - it's Fefu and her Friends set on a jetliner. You, the audience, sit inside a plane (first, business, or coach - arrive early for your choice). We, the actresses, are your stewardesses, and we perform the play around you while serving drinks and snacks. We have drink carts, safety demonstrations and feminist discourse.  Watch video of me from August's showing.   

Havel Fest!

Mountain Hotel and The Brick. Identity is a small price to pay for happiness.

(Update: Really thoughtful review at And President Havel changed his mind about his own play after visiting our production!)

Gyda Arber, Fred Backus, Danny Bowes, Bryan Enk, Robert Honeywell, Heath Kelts, Devon Ludlow, Michael Marion, Alanna Medlock, R. David Robinson, Alyssa Simon, Moira Stone and Art Wallace.

Gyda Arber, Fred Backus, Danny Bowes, Bryan Enk, Robert Honeywell, Heath Kelts, Devon Ludlow, Michael Marion, Alanna Medlock, R. David Robinson, Alyssa Simon, Moira Stone and Art Wallace.

Greed Extends! New projects! Good news!

Greed: A Musical Love $tory returns! After our hit run during The $ellout Festival in July, Lindy, Anna Nicole, Joyce, Yeats and J. Howard Smith come back for another go around. See me in the performance that landed me in Time Out. 

Wickets. It's Fornes' Fefu and her Friends ... on a plane. I play Fefu, your head stewardess, in this deconstruction/adaptation set on a 1970s jetliner. You sit in coach, business or first class. The actresses are your stewardesses. We wear outfits. We serve drinks and snacks. Indeed. HERE/Mabou Mines artists Jenny Rogers and Clove Galilee are the masterminds and this is only the first showing in what will be an 18 month development process. Two nights only at P.S.122 - Aug 26 & 28. Call 212.529.8696 for reservations.

I've started rehearsal for  the dance(!) theatre piece how to disappear completely with Sarah Seely's acclaimed company movement addiction. We'll perform in Baltimore in November and here in New York in 2007.



Greed: A Musical Love $toryRapturous reviews. Perplexed audiences. Good times.

Come to The Brick Theater for The $ellout Festival and see me hold the stage for 68 minutes of singing, dancing, accounting fraud, existential crisis, and boobs. Also, Irish poetry. Also, Chinese food. Also, "one of the best new musicals in town..."

​Bryan Enk, Gyda Arber, Michael O'Brien, Robert Honeywell, and me. Photo by Sarah Lippmann.

​Bryan Enk, Gyda Arber, Michael O'Brien, Robert Honeywell, and me. Photo by Sarah Lippmann.

My Met (Museum) Debut

Very exciting. Come to the Metropolitan Museum to see me sing with Steve Ross in A Tribute to Dietz & Schwartz. I'll be appearing alongside Steve, KT Sullivan and Jean Brassard. I'm sinking my my teeth into some gorgeous, and largely forgotten, music. May 16, 8pm. Tickets at 212-570-3956.